Sunday, May 3, 2015

Run Justin Run.....

no we are not talking about politics this time. we are talking about actual running. moving your legs in a fast motion for a long period of time. we are talking about running 13.1 miles all at once. no breaks. no stops. not spread over a few days. hopefully all done in two hours or less. 

some of you have seen I applied to the Prairie Fire Marathon (PFM) Local Joe's program. they had 55 applications I believe and I was one of 9 they picked. not sure why they picked me. maybe my constant nagging of asking them when they were going to open up applications or when they were going to announce the "winners". whatever the reason was, I'm happy they did pick me.

if you don't know what the local joe's program is, well here we go: we are a mix of people who want to run a marathon or half-marathon. some of us are experienced runners who have done multiple marathons. some of us have never run before. some of us, like me, have ran off and on in the past but want to get serious.  PFM pays for race entrance into the Fall PFM races. Go Run Wichita, now Fleet Feet Sports, pays for and does our Start to Finish training. we are asked to blog, tweet, Facebook all of our training. heck, some of you have probably already seen my posts from the last week, as I have started my training early. there will probably be some other requirements that I am either forgetting or don't know about. 

many have asked me why did I sign-up for this adventure. easy: I have a life goal (I hate the term bucket list) to finish a marathon. call me crazy right? I need a push to do things. I don't do most things on my own. something has to force me to do things that I really don't like doing. running is one of those things. this program will force me to train and get closer to my goal of doing a marathon. wait, closer? yes, I am only doing a half-marathon this year. I thought about going all out and doing the full, but not sure that is the smartest thing to do. so the Fall PFM in 2016 is my goal to do my marathon. 

so follow me on Facebook, twitter, Instagram and this blog. and as you might have noticed, i'm no Stephen King, so my writing and use of the English language won't blow you away.

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